Revista de Imprensa
Este artigo do Telegraph de 28 de Novembro
Women are finding it more acceptable to have an abortion than to drift into an unplanned pregnancy, the head of Britain's leading abortion agency said yesterday.
Ann Furedi, the chief executive of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), said one women in five was now childless at the age of 45 and an increasing number were making the choice not to have children at all.Ms Furedi said there had been a shift in public opinion about parenthood.
The stigma of abortion had diminished but there was now concern about being a poor parent. "Parenting is considered to be very important and is taken seriously these days," she said.
"The idea of just drifting into unplanned motherhood is seen not to be a good thing and you could argue that among many groups of people in society abortion is seen as a more responsible response to being a victim of uncontrolled fertility," she said.
Ann Furedi, the chief executive of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), said one women in five was now childless at the age of 45 and an increasing number were making the choice not to have children at all.Ms Furedi said there had been a shift in public opinion about parenthood.
The stigma of abortion had diminished but there was now concern about being a poor parent. "Parenting is considered to be very important and is taken seriously these days," she said.
"The idea of just drifting into unplanned motherhood is seen not to be a good thing and you could argue that among many groups of people in society abortion is seen as a more responsible response to being a victim of uncontrolled fertility," she said.
confirma aquilo que sempre temos dito: o recurso ao aborto aumenta à medida que vai diminuindo a consciência da sua ilicitude. Este acaba por ser entendido apenas como mais um método anticoncepcional a ser usado a pedido pelas "vítimas da fertilidade descontrolada" (como, com manifesta infelicidade, lhes chama a abortista Furedi).
É este o modelo que nos querem impor a coberto da liberdade de escolha.
João Vacas